
Professional Development Tools with Tina Wolfe, Creative Business Solutions

Happy Monday everyone. I am going to ask you a question. If you are a manager or an owner of a company that's working with a team, how is your team performing together?

Are they productive? Do you feel like they're working together cohesively and as a team? Are they moving the needle forward for you and your company?

Not only for the company's goals but for their individual goals as well. It's important for managers and team leaders to pay attention and to prioritize individual team members' goals to fuel the motivation and the energy to participate as the best versions of themselves and bring their best ideas.

When you do that, you find that your team is creating stronger, more innovative ideas, right? When they feel that they're not only working toward the company goals for someone else, but they're also working for their personal goals.

One of the things that I provide for companies is the professional development workbook. In the workbook we break it down into five different sections.

The first one is discovering their gifts. Each individual team member we're looking at what are your gifts? What are your skills? Skills and gifts are two different things. Skills are something that you can learn. that you can educate yourself on, get better. And gifts are something that you're born with, a natural talent, a natural inclination, a proclivity for that particular thing that you do.

The next thing is a productivity, an analyzer. We look at where your weak spots are. Where do you procrastinate? What do you put off that you should be doing or what is the struggle for you? And then we align that and we implement some tools to help you overcome those things.

The next thing is beating procrastination. We all deal with procrastination, right? It's an issue for everyone. I don't care if you're a C suite executive or on the line. There's procrastination. So there are tools to help your team and you really get over procrastination or manage it well.

Next is the Accountability Chart. We need to know who on the team is responsible for what. They need to own the responsibility for the results of that team or project. The more responsibility that you give a team member, most often, the more they’ll provide better results. They've got skin in the game. You want to think about that.

Then the last thing is the goal-setting workshop. Here we get into individual goals and company goals. Ask them “What are their goals?” How did their goals and the team goals align to fulfill the company goals?

So again, I wanted to put this out there. This is available on my website. And I do come in and facilitate these meetings if you need that.

It is something that you can do alone with your team also. Whether you need more productivity, professional development, goal-setting for your team. or overall strategic planning, this is a great workbook for small busineses. No matter how big or small. So check out tinawolfe.com and it is available for purchase and I hope that helps.

Have a great day. Have a great Monday and a great week.


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